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Change your life with an agency expert in relocation, families, business and retirement abroad

Writer: Story Hunters tvStory Hunters tv

Story Hunters tv is always discovering new lifestyles and interesting stories of change to tell. Every day we receive many requests from people who want to change their life, profession or transfer their business abroad, so we have chosen to interview this enterprising girl, who has made change her profession, setting up an international agency that assisted by 40 local Advisors in various countries around the world, helps people to realize their life project.

Below is the interview with a Relocation agency:

"Hello to all the friends of Story Hunters today we are here with a professional, as well as very nice and very prepared, she is a person who can be very significant and important for the type of users who follow us, because Story Hunters tv deals as you know well, of life change, which very often also coincides with expatriation with the change of nation, a bit of a reformulation of one's existence for the most diverse reasons towards something new. So here, your profession your company, she is a professional, but also an entrepreneur, what does she do exactly what is the service you provide, that you provide?

We take care of "realizing life projects" of people, so we facilitate in every step the project that has the person to move from one country to another in the world, so we do not do it only for Italians, but we do it for all nationalities this we say is our main business, our main activity, it is the reason why the company was born. Then inside we also have a fairly important real estate sector so we also follow under the purely investment aspect eventually. So your customers are let's say various composite subjects, there are those who are looking for you because they already have a clear idea I imagine there are those who are looking for you instead because they have an impulse, they have a will, but they have yet to clarify their ideas. Exactly.. If I understand your advice correctly, it is a bit of an all-round. Exactly. Start with a pre to follow.. explain it better, what is the process?

As you said, in fact, our customers come to us sometimes already with clear ideas, so I want to go to that country for this reason: so to change my life, for a work experience, for a study experience. Or they come to us for advice, so they have the impulse to change their lives or make an investment, but they do not know where to go or what is the best solution for them, so they rely on us who now have a fortnightly experience in these aspects and we manage to be very objective towards all nations, precisely because we work with all nations from Asia, Africa to Europe and the Americas.

So I try to translate this, because you think you have understood it well: while if you turn to a specific agency that operates in a territory, which can be Africa precisely to name a huge one, clearly that agency will work to bring people in that context having you available, with your collaborators, the world you are not necessarily focused on a geographical context and therefore also led only to say the good and maybe leaving what may not work a little more on the sidelines, but because it would mean compromising ... you can suggest, but for her perhaps it would be better in our opinion this destination, because .. It often happens to us I have to say that I bring the thought of people from a nation, a particular country that they in their imagination, maybe they have never even been there, thought it was good for them and when instead on our suggestion in short we bring them to evaluate another destination.

Then we at the level of work ethics are used to doing so it is obvious that the last word is always up to the customer, if he wants to go there we bring him in short, without problems.

Then I would take a small step back, because we talk about change so we talk about the travel companions that one can choose to make the change in the best possible way, as painless as possible. But you your life your story? That is, how do you get to this profession and what are the motivations, so there is a change in you, is there a history of change in you? Yes I would say that there is a fairly radical history of change quite strong, I was a permanent public employee, I worked for the province of Modena and therefore I had a classic state permanent position, who would ever throw me out of there! And I resigned, I resigned because the impulse to create something new was really strong within me. In the meantime I collaborated with different realities, quite important real estate agencies and there I discovered just touching various countries of the world for a matter of real estate investment, I discovered that the needs of people were actually those of having a more overall support, so not only for the house, for the search for a house, but they obviously needed a whole series of services that today are part of our company. So then I realized that it was missing, there was just a gap in the world in this respect, I decided to create it. But then here's your organization has agents all over the world. Today we are about 40 local Advisors all over the world, so we touch all continents, each customer then each customer who entrusts us with his life project is entrusted with one of these Advisors who is located in the destination where the customer wants to go, so ours is not just a purely online relationship at a distance, but it really becomes a very empathetic and close relationship because then the Advisor is with a client sometimes months if not even sometimes more, so until the client is completely transferred we are with him, we take him arm in arm and accompany him in this process of change. You practically become real travel companions, in a certain way, which people can refer to even once they have moved as they encounter the first difficulties, perhaps for how to move they know they can count .. I imagine from the opening of the current account, as well as dealing with more complex spheres, such as that of the transfer of business, there are not only those who decide to change their lives, but there are those who decide to change their lives trying to take advantage of their professionalism and put it to good use elsewhere or even to take a business with them or open a new one, so there is also a business transfer that requires specificities. Exactly, we work with many types of projects, so we have divided our advice into 8 different types of advice, so for families, for students, for pensioners, for singles, for couples then we have two projects one for the transfer with the start of a business and another is a transfer with the start of an always business, but in franchising.

We have from this year I was forgetting it but it is very popular, even the program for digital nomads, but the advantage what it is for the customer, is that it has a common thread so we are with the local Advisor who coordinates everyone, I say always joins dots, so coordinates the whole project, the customer feels safe, it has no problems with language, with laws.

It is clearly an advantage to act with those who have already overcome problems "n" times so they know them well, they have no surprises, so mistakes are greatly reduced and even here therefore increases the well-being with which this change can be done, that already the change in itself is something that poses different parties stress, it takes courage, so doing it in a felt way and assisted by those who have experience is something that we at Story Hunters also feel like recommending it, especially even maybe an initial chat with these people who know a lot, having a small initial advice to orient themselves, then students, businesses, work up to pensioners, even to them, Yes. They are I must say among the most numerous is precisely the type that among the types that move more in the world in general, so the pensioner always looks for certain characteristics in the country, security first of all, the critical rate of taxation on his pension, so know if he can bring the net pension or the gross pension, so it depends on where he comes from, from his state of origin, in short, there are many aspects to consider, but surely the pensioner has various chances of countries from those of Eastern Europe for example: Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, the same Albania, the same Greece, which introduced 7% of taxes. So a lot of them are moving there, or Portugal. the states of Africa (Tunisia), in short, there are several .. then as you said it is not a flow only from Italy to .. no, I always speak globally precisely because of deformation so, yes I am Italian but I speak for example of the Swiss pensioner where he goes, the Swiss pensioner goes a lot to Asia for example, so Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, loves them. The American pensioner comes to Italy for example, the Canadian one goes to Mexico, we talk about large numbers so statistically, the English pensioner goes to Spain.

We are therefore here with a professional and an entrepreneur who deals with assisting and supporting life projects and life choices, the choices of change of her customers, her clients and I wanted to dispel this fear a little, we were talking about pensioners, who many have to glimpse this bringing retirement abroad perhaps where there are tax breaks, as something that is at the limit of legality, which is absolutely not true and now we rely on the professionalism of you to try to shed some light on this aspect. The pensioner actually asks us when he contacts us one of the first concerns is that: am I doing something that cannot be done? No, it is obvious that it must be done in a certain way so like all things it requires steps and asks for certainties on the one hand, certainties on the other side, but there is a need to do things well, it is not a step that must be done I take the suitcases and go, because then at this point then you fall into illegality, in short, instead we do things right. What is this possibility sanctioned by? What does this allow, what types of agreements?

They are agreements that make nations among themselves, so they are absolutely international agreements that each country makes with another country and they agree, they are called bilateral agreements, they agree on what taxation to apply to the pensioner precisely who moves, what kind of health care for example to give to the pensioner who moves, I must say that then in Europe, in almost all the countries of Europe there is no such problem, because with the Italian health card, speaking of Italian pensioners, with the Italian health card, even if you must obviously register with the A.I.R.E., as a pensioner residing abroad, Italian Registry Residents Abroad, exactly it is just an organ of the Italian Republic, so once you are registered there you are absolutely in good standing from every point of view and then there are practices to do in the country where you want to go and after that we had this statement and then from the health point of view that is what I must say the aspect that worries a little more precisely the category of pensioners, there is no kind of problem, once enrolled in the A.I.R.E. Or another solution maybe if you move to a country where health is paid in Europe there are some countries now comes to mind for example Ukraine, where health is paid, but you can take out a precise international insurance on this aspect, which has a price I must say quite light, we are from 200 to 500 euros per year and with this you have total coverage for any type of thing, then you can include things for example more specialized, for example if a person requires special care, we happened to transfer those who had chronic diabetes problems, who had to do special therapies, even demanding or receiving drugs of a certain type buy drugs of a certain type, which perhaps in the country of destination had a much higher cost, so with this insurance you can buffer here are these aspects where there is no possibility of a health included, here is how the Italian one for example, but yes it is all absolutely legal, once you have enrolled in the A.I.R.E. I speak of the Italians. I also wanted to point out that therefore a non-habitual resident in Greece where today there is a 7% tax on the pension, must enroll in AIRE and therefore stops being, as if to say protected under the Italian health, so it is not that he goes to Greece and pays less taxes, but continues, as someone believes to take advantage of our health, if he returns he continues to do so as a European, as well as if from Greece then he goes on holiday in Belgium and is sick in Belgium, even if in Belgium he is not a non-habitual resident, but very occasional, he is protected by European health, for first aid.

But then these people do not take anything away from the state, indeed it is the state, it is the various states that make agreements to avoid double taxation, then if the country that receives of its sponte decides to facilitate the entry of pensioners by facilitating their taxation, that is a decision of the host country. The pensioner will simply no longer pay the tax here, but goes to pay it in the country where he will go, to the extent that that country asks for and where he will use the services necessary for his person.

So according to your experience, what are the most popular countries today, what are the destinations where Italians, since we are talking about Italians, want to expatriate? So I must say that there has been in the last period a very high demand on Switzerland and we are talking above all about people who move for work reasons, but Switzerland requires a basic language level, so if it is not one of the languages that are present in Switzerland that are French, German and Italian, for us it is good not to aim at this type of country.

Then another country that goes for the most as a request is Canada, Canada is a destination in great demand especially by families, for the high quality of life, nature, spaces, the cost of living is not excessive, the cost of health care is lower than that of the United States for example, it has very very beautiful characteristics, in short, even education, schools, in short, is very popular for families. Even there, in short, it is necessary to have one of the two official languages so either French or English, at least like B1. Where do students move the most?

Students have always been or towards England, even if today with Brexit it is a little more complicated, but it is not impossible to go, this I mean in short, it was a bit 'passed rumor that we will no longer be able to go to England to study. Absolutely not, it requires a few more papers, some more paperwork, it certainly already requires a basic language level, but for example our programs also have the preparatory language course inside them, so the student program has it, we can prepare them, it is done.

Then there are always Germany also for study, France and Spain, I must say also the United States, for the United States they are a little more complicated I must say, even as very expensive colleges much more expensive .. there are colleges that range on average from 30 thousand dollars a year upwards. And instead from the point of view of those who move in search of a job, let's say the flows of this type today as today what general direction could you give, which nations and what is required, so very generally? Now some data that jump to mind are certainly the northern countries I speak of Sweden, Norway, Finland, are very strong in the demand for skilled labor and also targeted university courses, for example to architecture to design to marketing to advertising. In France, skilled labor in the HORECA sector is in great demand, for example also in the Netherlands. I HAVE. RE.CA. : Hotel, Restaurant, Catering. Speaking of Digital Nomads that this is also very popular as a topic today, because you want a little for the forced smart working also inserted and also for the needs of freedom that people have today, the most papable destinations are certainly Malta remains among the top ten, the Canaries certainly but also Asia, then Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand.

So if a person, a user had in mind to open a business abroad or because he brings his own business that he already has behind him or because he wants to go and open something for which he would always have wanted to combine but then life has not yet put the conditions to do it, what is the path, the most correct, what can he do with you? Certainly a first analysis is required, that is, understanding who the entrepreneur is, what kind of professionalism he has what he would like to open and above all what he expects from starting this business, because then the needs are varied. The needs of starting a business often we find ourselves having to combine them with family needs also, so we must combine the aspect of where it is convenient to open for example a pizzeria, rather than another type of activity with what are also the needs of the family, so having a first approach with us serves to clarify the ideas and above all to define if the project that the entrepreneur has in mind is feasible according to his budget, to his experiences, his expectations and if he is where he will be, then identify through a market research this second step, which is the most suitable destination.

I am reminded of a project that we are completing by this year 2021 the guys will move, an Italian couple that we followed for the opening of an event organization activity in Costa Rica, so the guys are a young and very smart couple and have already made the exploratory trip, they went on the spot and there our work in short was quite prolonged, we made them know in addition to the legal, fiscal and also then all the most commercial part, so we helped them to weave collaborations, useful knowledge regarding the organization of events in Costa Rica, so we included for example in a participation of an important fair. This is our job, we work for the project for the client. So there is a very important preliminary phase also for the entrepreneur in pectore the already acclaimed entrepreneur who already does this work, with you to be able to compare between his project and the real possibilities of the country he has already identified and maybe it will also be your task maybe to recommend another destination. Sometimes we dismantle ideas and reassemble somewhere else, yes absolutely. Very well, these are clearly very important and valuable advice.

We therefore thank you for this pleasant chat, we are sure that this serves to understand that DIY is fine, but relying on professionals who do this for work and who have sedimented experiences, can be a very useful thing, so thank you very much for this testimony. Thank you, thank you all and see you soon!"

By Story Hunters Tv




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