Graziano's interview leads us into other topics of interest regarding the transfer to Albania and the natural comparison between Italy and this nation located on the other side of the Adriatic Sea. What emerges from this and from our other interviews with Italians who moved to Albania, of which you can find the interviews on our YouTube channel , is a sort of double crossed movement, a crossroads that has its origins in the Nineties, and that continues uninterrupted.
The difference, however, in the last 10 or 15 years, is that the movement is no longer one-way, but has become bilateral. It is clear that the movement of Albanians towards our country responds to the canons that characterize classic migratory processes. That is, the poorest populations go to look for work in the economically richer countries. If thirty years ago it was a group moved by desperation, over time the group of Albanian immigrants has been composed of people capable not only of bringing cheap labor, but also of generating business and therefore work for compatriots and others. As we Italians, a people of emigrants, know well, among Albanian expatriates , as always, there is a strong feeling of nostalgia for the land of origin, however, this does not seem enough to bring them back home.
Most of them settle in Italy, and their children, now perfectly integrated, grow up there. But it doesn't always happen this way, and at the end of the video we will see an example of this. The opposite movement, that of Italians towards Albania , we understand, is made up of three main groups. Entrepreneurs who have decentralized production in favor of a more convenient workforce and taxation; pensioners who, taking advantage of the total tax exemption on pensions and the lower cost of living, find themselves living in Albania in comfortable conditions that are increasingly less likely in Italy; and, third and new group, young professionals , especially those working online, who benefit from very significant tax breaks , combined with very low living costs that allow them to put aside the money needed to think about building an independent life, something that is increasingly difficult for us. Albania , too, is therefore doing something for our willing young people!
In fact, as far as we know, there is a relationship between these two countries that is in many ways osmotic: parts of their populations find satisfactory answers to their needs or desires in the alternation between their respective countries .
We believe that this would be enough to see with sympathy the relations between these two neighboring nations! Graziano tells us an emblematic story.
A close friend of an Albanian entrepreneur who has set up a company in Italy that employs 50 people, when it is time to enjoy a well-deserved rest, after 49 years of work , he accepts his friend's offer to stay in the house he built in Karpen (Kavaje) and to which he returns on most holidays.
The house, as you will see from the interview , is a pleasant and delightful place that responds to the pleasures of Graziano and his wife Antonella to live a little isolated, in the countryside. At this point Graziano, after having almost had to impose on his friend the payment of a rent, very convenient for that matter, decides to move to Albani permanently. The relatives of his friend become in a certain way his family and I invite you to listen to the interview to judge the degree of satisfaction that Graziano feels with respect to his life choice .
Here in this story we seem to find the sense of that "osmosis" we mentioned above. As the icing on the cake, you will hear the brother of Graziano's friend, Bilal, who returned to live in Albania despite having Italian citizenship. His memory and his gratitude towards Italians shines through strongly in his words. His children are among those who return to Albania for the holidays. And that's fine! Different is the state of development of a country, different are the needs and desires of its citizens.
Italians who have moved to Albania , you will hear pensioners, digitalized young people, entrepreneurs, tell us about a life full of tranquility. Not free from problems, but united in very strong human relationships , the same ones that in our country have too often given way to the "rush to pay the mortgage", to distrust towards everything and everyone and also, it must be said, to that horrible and lacerating thing that is social envy.
Thank you Graziano for this enthusiastic interview.
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